Arduino Beginner/Starter Kit for those who are interested in learning about Arduino and electronics. Starting from basic LED control to more advanced environmental sensing, monitoring and actuators. This kit will guide you through the world of the sensing, controlling the physical world through sensors and arduino microcontroller via carefully designed project.
An Arduino Uno R3, the most stable and commonly used Arduino processor which is 100% compatible with Arduino IDE, together with arduino prototype shield are included in this kit. Besides premium quality jumper wires, double resistors, more leds, 9g servo, IR remote transmitter and receiver, 4 more useful components are added: relay, motor, fan and potentiometer.
Parts List
Arduino UNO R3 x1
Prototyping Shield x1
Jumper Cables M/M x10
Jumper Cables F/M x10
Jumper Cables F/F x 10
Jumper wires for breadboard
Resistor 220R x20
Resistor 4.7K x20
Resistor 10K x20
Resistor 1K x20
5mm LED Blue x5
5mm LED Red x5
5mm LED Green x 5
TSOP38238 IR Receiver Diode x1
Mini Push Button x 4
Ambient Light Sensor x2
Tilt Switch Sensor x1
8-Segment LED x1
LM35 Temperature Sensor x1
Relay x1
Buzzer x1
Fan x1
130 Motor x1
10K Potentiometer x3
Micro Servo x1
IR photodiode x 1
Mini Controller (with battery CR2025 inside) x1
6 x AA Battery Holder x1
400 Tie Point Interlocking Solderless Breadboard x1
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