Free Coding Guide for Beginners
Welcome to Digiskool Kids – a free online guide to coding for beginners. If you’re someone who wants to learn about coding, but you haven’t got a clue where to start, you’ve come to the right place. This site has all the step-by-step information you need to get started.
Plus, you’ll be pleased to learn that you don’t need to spend a fortune on higher education if you want to become a coder. You can get just as full of a coding education from the many specialized training websites, quality books and cheap classes that exist these days.
With a worldwide shortage of coders, affordability and availability of training services is more important than ever. That’s why this website is here: to help you use these newer coding training services to their full potential. Here are the things you can do here:
What is Coding?
First things first –What is Coding? Learn all about coding – how it works, the benefits of learning it, and what today’s common coding languages are.
We’ll also introduce you to some popular forms of coding: web design, web development and app development. You’ll find out what skills are required for each, and what training you’ll need. Once you take in the preliminary info, you’ll be ready to learn coding!
What is Coding?
- Benefits of Learning Coding
- How Coding Works
- Common Coding Languages
- The Best Place to Start
- Introduction to Web Development
- Introduction to Web Design
- Introduction to App Development