What Is Coding?
There’s been a lot of discussion around coding lately, but it can be hard to figure out exactly what it means to code and how it plays a role in your child’s future. Coding (or computer programming), is the process of providing instructions to a computer so it performs a specific task. You may have heard of popular text languages like Java, Python, or Ruby, but even kids can easily learn to code using a
visual block language.

What Can My Child Do With Code?
In addition to the many practical and innovative uses for code in today’s world, it is also a creative medium. With a coding education, your child can use their new skills to create almost anything they imagine!

To number a few; Designing apps and games, flying drones, create animation, mod minecraft, make robots and developing web.

What we do?

Coding for kids


Kids in Electronics


Junior Robotics

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Computer Programming


Web Development


Junior youths python


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“I think basically every job in the future is going to have to require some part of coding!” – John Slater, CEO


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Free Coding Guide for Beginners

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About Digiskool Kids


Ann Maina


Digiskool kids helped me identify the interests of my son, within the second week he was able to design games.


Harris Kamar


Kudos to digiskool kids, they have helped my kids gain knowledge in robotics, now I no longer have to buy toys for them, they create their own robot cars

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